Farmers introduction

The Fashion Tech Farm is initiated by Marina Toeters and Matthijs Vertooren. Based on more than 15 years of experience in Fashion Tech with the company It was time to move towards the high tech region: Eindhoven and upscale our activities. As the Farm is big enough it became a multi-company building for companies in Fashion Tech.

The Fashion Tech Farm has a Fashion Tech Incubation program, Full-time Farmers, Flex Farmers, Visiting Farmers, and Friends of the Farmers. More than 8 companies call the Fashion Tech Farm their home. From a dynamic workshop with the associated Fashion Tech tools, we support companies in their textile, electronics, and garment R&D processes, make prototypes of future garments, and produce innovative textile products and art. We all have a separate administration and client base, but share tools, network, and lunch. Here a short introduction of the companies.

Fashion Tech Incubation program and Knowledge Base is set up to attract, strengthen and keep Fashion Tech Talents in the Brainport region.

From a dynamic workshop with the associated Fashion Tech tools, new talents are supported in their (further) development into Fashion Tech Professionals. With individual guidance and (group) workshops in the field of Design, Technology and Business by external partners and internal ‘Farmers’, the talents are informed and introduced to a large network. Their work is made visible through presentations and exhibitions at home (e.g. DDW) and internationally (e.g. Lopec Munich, Tech Textil Frankfurt, Milan Design Week, TechBlick Berlin and Atelier Néerlandais in Paris) so that it creates impact and can be commercialized. The Incubator program is supported by Metropool Regio Eindhoven. Apply for this incubator by sending an email to Let’s not waste the power of fashion: lets innovate for a better world. Collaborate with us for relevant and circular textile products and a supportive fashion system. Marina Toeters is initiator and the driving force behind Together with a widely developed network she is dedicated to designing and prototyping innovative textile products and garments. Contact us to participate in one of the development processes for innovative and better garments and textile products!

Closed Loop Smart Athleisure Fashion >> initiated by in collaboration with Studio Bonvie and Holst Centre.

Currently we are working on the Interreg project Lifehelper.

Donktech is the company of Matthijs Vertooren. Matthijs is an independent engineer and innovation manager, specialized in the field of the energy transition, and digital modelling and fabrication. Find here more information.

LABELEDBY. is reshaping the future of textiles. They created an unique portfolio encompassing fabric development, trend research and textile inspiration that explore the boundaries of state of the art fabric innovation. Jessica Joosse and Fabienne van der Weiden strive for a personalised, localised and sustainable fashion industry. Therefore it is their mission to transform the fashion industry through innovation and technology.

3D print on mesh textile by LABELEDBY.

Lithe Lab is a research and design consultancy that focuses on personal design and innovative concepts in health care. By combining fashion with medical devices and supportive garments and textiles. The aim of Lithe Lab and Daisy van Loenhout as driving force is to create more options for wearers so they can present themselves in the way they want. The research Lithe Lab does is focused on improving the functional and aesthetic values of these products.

Work of Daisy van Loenhout.

Bilihome aims to support jaundiced newborns and their parents, naturally. The wearable solution allows optimal blue light therapy and helps babies to recover in the right environment. By making the next steps towards a phototherapy wearable, Bilihome received the concept Red Dot: Best of the Best. This award is for groundbreaking design and is the top prize for each category of the Red Dot: Design Concept. Marina supports Bilihome in Design, Research and Communication processes.

Bilihome won the 2020 Red Dot Award in Wearable Technlogy.

Fashion Tech Farm functions also as Wearable Senses Lab dependence for the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). We support students with access to materials, machines and expertise and house and maintain the Epson sublimation printer and Heat Jet kalander from the TU/e.

Running workshops with TU/e students.

Loe Feijs is emeritus professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, published over 300 papers, develops his own label LAURENTIUS LAB. and is mathematician-in-residence at Fashion Tech Farm in Eindhoven. His work is exhibited at DDW, and the yearly Bridges conference.

Beam Contrechoc approaches the world of interactive fabrics from autonomous art. Making garments into interactive publication platforms, or creating garments with possibilities of generating the needed energy yourself. 

Picture of the presentation of energy garments and the soft energy box during Dutch Design 2024. 

ITL, or Interactive Textile Library is promoting “The new way of implementing interactive textile innovation in design.” Julia van Zilt creates interactive textile interfaces and experiences in a delicate manner. Since the beginning of the technological era, we are finding ways to integrate technology into our surroundings, interweaving it with our everyday lives. Textiles being a big part of our surroundings present the opportunity to create interfaces that are seamlessly integrated within our environments. Julia’s work focuses on creating a physical and digital platform that brings the latest interactive textile developments to the industry for easier implementation of interactive textiles into new products. 

Selection our of Julia’s portfolio work >>

MBRACE Heartful Conversations >> is an initiative that started in the Fashion Tech Farm based on the ambition of Ellen Holtmaat. Wear the Mbracelet to signal that you are approachable for having a conversation or easing someone’s day.


The Fashion Filter is an online pop-up store initiated in March 2020 by the Fashion Tech Farm, LABELEDBY., We are supported by TU/e, Epson and Vlisco. We aim to contribute to the social acceptance of wearing face masks during critical times like these. Next to this, we have tested and selected the best materials to protect you and your environment. Order your favorite #thefashionfilter in our webshop or download the free open-source template here.

The Fashion Filter

Malou Beemer focuses on working with the body and personal space around it. She is fascinated by human behavior, psychology, movement and the way this translates to nonverbal communication. Believing in the power of interdisciplinary projects she runs her own studio in which she collaborates with innovative partners and dance companies. She is involved in the fields of, consultancy in art directions and concept development, costume design, coaching of models and teaching body awareness classes.
Malou explores the fields of wearable tech, smart textiles but also costume and creature design. With every project she dives into the concept development and searches for the most effective medium to communicate the idea into a total experience.

Distant Desires, Malou Beemer.

3D Print Experience Lab Eindhoven, initiated by LABELEDBY. is housing in the Fashion Tech Farm.

3D Print Experience Lab

Semra Aras is Fashion Technology Designer at the Fashion Tech Farm. She makes sure that the technical drawings and garment constructions are as good as it can get.

Tyana Hendriksma is Industrial Design student at TU/e, Wearable Senses Lab and develops future scenarions via visualisations and interactive fashion. Tyana is project assistant at the Fashion Tech Farm.

With The Textile Chapter, Rosa Scholtens researches in all kinds of ways how we can make the textile industry future-proof. She makes a podcast, Circular Textile Stories, in which she research perspectives on a circular future, Rosa works with her mother on the revaluation of Dutch wool, she talks, analyzes, presents, writes and advises on circular issues and the new systems that go with it.

Rosa’s textile research.

Next to all these Professionals Farmer we welcomed several interns. Sita, Jordan, Nadifo, Nienke, Reyhan, Rob, Tom, Yazmine, Milla, Jeylin, Ima, Oktawia, Tyana, Minne, Julie, Noa, Rosa, Gijs, Star, Annika, Nine, to name a few.

Do you feel like you belong to the Fashion Tech Farm as well? Or do you want to become part of this team? Reach out via an email to

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