Workshop Experiments Soft Energy Box and DenkI




When: October 25, 18 o’clock
Where: Fashion Tech Farm, Eindhoven
Who: by Beam Contrechoc and Marina Toeters.
What: Introduction of the Soft Energy Box

With the components of the Soft Energy Box, your e-textile projects don’t need batteries anymore. You generate the energy yourself.

In the workshop you can make your own application of this principle. We have also examples, which can be modified into your own version.

It is possible to use the lasercutter and to program the microcontroller ATtiny85 and solder an easy circuit.

Make a DenkI: A Light for one Ride!

Included in the workshop fee:
•Energy generator
•5 LED’s.
•Electrical wires.

When we have at least 5 participants the workshop will take place. If you subscribed but the number of participants is less than 5, then your money will be reimbursed.

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